Thursday, 17 March 2022 23:38

March 17, 2022 News Update

17 March 2022

To all who are coming with confidence to the throne of grace:

Senseless killing and devastation. In spite of this, the plan of God moves forward. The war in Ukraine continues. He is able to make all things work together for good to those who love Him.

We are blessed to receive reports from our loved ones there that they are redeeming the time in these evil days.

One pastor wrote:

Yesterday I was able to bring my uncle to us. He had remained in Irpin as long as he could, living under shelling and serving his unbelieving neighbors. He helped evacuate families. He also shared the gospel with them.

He asked me to thank you, Jim (and I also join in his gratitude), and other teachers of the Bible College. It is thanks to you, your time invested in our training and education, that we can stay here to serve people no matter what. It is your sound Bible teaching that has shaped our character, our trust in God and confidence in the better future that God has prepared for us - whether in life or death....

One young couple with a small child, from our church, was able to leave for Poland just before the enemy invaded our territory. As soon as they were in Poland, in a small town called Rabka (near Krakow), they started talking to local authorities and businessmen. In this way they were able to organize a refuge for 500 Ukrainians. There they are provided with housing, food, medicine, if necessary, help to find a job, learn Polish, etc.

In this, too, there is your merit Jim, yours and other teachers. You taught me, I passed on your teaching to others... Now this young couple (Sasha and Yulia) serve in their place, and I in mine.

Thank you for preparing us for these difficult times, your work was not in vain.

Vova Lozinsky, brother of Oleg, is with the territorial security force from our village. His wife Natalie, who stayed in the village with him wrote to say that the Russians are hiding tanks between houses in the villages and that they have been inserting groups into neighboring villages, some of whom are saboteurs. Vova is part of the territorial guard that is fighting the saboteurs. Every night they have been catching several saboteurs. She reports that over 100 enemy armored vehicles and other vehicles were destroyed by the Ukrainian forces.

Pray for the safety of these people, for wisdom and skill for the Ukrainian leaders, and for God to foil the plans, weapons, and logistics of the Russian army.

Psalm 144:11-15:
11 Rescue me and deliver me from the hand of foreigners, Whose mouth speaks lying words, And whose right hand is a right hand of falsehood--
12 That our sons may be as plants grown up in their youth; That our daughters may be as pillars, Sculptured in palace style;
13 That our barns may be full, Supplying all kinds of produce; That our sheep may bring forth thousands And ten thousands in our fields;
14 That our oxen may be well-laden; That there be no breaking in or going out; That there be no outcry in our streets.
15 Happy are the people who are in such a state; Happy are the people whose God is the LORD!

Thank you for standing with us in prayer.


Thursday, 17 March 2022 04:19

March 16, 2022 News Update

16 March 2022

Dear Friends,

The good news is that our people in Kyiv report that all are safe even though bombs and missiles have fallen close by. The threat to our village is lessened, although its invasion reportedly is potential. I just received this from a woman who lives in the village. She wrote: It is quiet now, but the enemies are trying to regroup to take Kyiv. They hide tanks in neighboring villages between houses so that ours do not get them.

The bad news is that the Russians continue to bomb the cities, even purposely targeting civilians. In the city of Chernigiv, 10 people standing in a bread line were murdered by Russian soldiers. Pastor Lyosha Savchuk and his family are from that city. Pastor Sasha Petrenko is in that region. He is currently sheltering 38 people.

Please pray for these brave pastors. Pray also for Anatoly, Yuri, and Ivan, college graduates who are serving in the Ukrainian army.

The city of Mauriupol in the south has been unmercifully bombarded for almost 3 weeks, and today a theater sheltering hundreds of people was targeted by the Russians. The Ukrainians had even painted a large sign on the street in front of the street to inform the Russian that it was housing children. Alas, it was of no avail. Such wanton attacks have no military purpose but are intended to break the will of the Ukrainian people. How I admire the courage and perseverance of the Ukrainians.

I also rejoice that the people we have ministered to are ministering to others. Vasya Munko, pastor in Lviv, is working tirelessly. This is what he wrote today:

Yesterday, we settled two more people in our house, a mother and a son. So now we have 10 refugees living in our house.

Also I was contacted by two families from Kyiv. I know them very well. They left Kyiv and now live in a village near Belaya Tserkov. In one family, the husband (Sergei) and eldest son (Andrey), stayed in Kyiv. They joined the army and are now defending their city. The wife (Oksana), is a believer, and her two other children (Ira and Sasha) moved to the village. Before the war, she worked in a kindergarten, but now she is unemployed. Her daughter also lost her job because of the war.

The second family has two children. The husband (Yura) worked in an orphanage, with his wife (Lena), they are believers too, adopted two children (Zhenya and Valera). Now they've lost their jobs. They also took their mother, Galya, with them from Kyiv. We also help them, we support them financially so that they have something to buy food.

Please pray for the safety of the lives of Sergey and Andrey, that God will protect them from enemy bullets and give them courage on the battlefield. Also pray for Yura,=. He is a diabetic and constantly needs insulin. And now in the place where they live, it’s not so easy to find the right medicines.

We also continue to minister to those people who are sheltering in our church. We provide them with food, a place where they can sleep, and certainly we share the gospel with them.

Volodymyr Zelensky, President of Ukraine, spoke to the US Congress today. It was a forceful and moving speech. I am so glad that there was a very positive response from the US which has pledged to provide more weapons to the Ukrainian forces.

Continue earnestly in prayer. The needs are great.


Wednesday, 16 March 2022 19:07

March 15, 2022 News Update #2

15 March, 2022


Dear Friends,

Here is an updated prayer list from our church in Kyiv. I know that many of the names and places mentioned are strange to Americans. But if you pray for them, God will understand our stammering lips.

This is very personal for us. These are loved ones, fellow members of the family of God, and people who until recently were entrusted to me. I ask you to please hold them up in prayer.



God, defend Ukraine, help us!

We are in prayer:

  1. For those who are on their way to a safe place:
  • The Slavinsky and Klyushev families.
  • Sveta (with special needs) - from Warsaw to Riga.
  • Sasha Petrenko - car repair and delivery of provisions to Smolino.
  1. For those who need to be evacuated:
  • Natalia (Oksana Senko's sister) and family, obtaining documents, evacuation from Moscow 15-16.03.
  • Igor (son of Nadezhda Pamfilova) and his family from near Sumy.
  • Gena and his mother - Irpin.
  • Alona with her husband and six adopted children - applying for adoption and moving to the Netherlands.
  • Lena, Serhiy, Dima (with special needs) - from Odessa to Europe.
  1. For Baryshivka Church. (left without a pastor).
  2. For those who need to be cured:
  • Nina has remnants of the disease.
  • Delivery of medicines for Dasha,
  • Delivery of medicines for mother-in-law of Sergey Tregubenko.
  • Delivery of medicines for Galya, Vova (friends of Oksana Senko).
  • Serhiy - pneumonia (Vicka Savchenko's parents stayed home. her father is sick).
  • Anatoliy (father of Natalia Rekeda), broken leg - recovery.
  • Tamara (mother of Natalia Rekeda) - shingles.
  • Phyllis - cough.
  • Oksana - injured her foot.
  • Svitlana Khyzhniak - allergy.
  • Vova Lozinsky - constant headache.
  • Nadezhda, Yana - covid.
  • For Vitalik, for he won't get chickenpox.
  • Sasha - bilateral pneumonia (brother of Natalia Lozinska, wife of Oleg).
  • Natasha Hryniuk - stomach pains.
  • Larisa Chaplaeva - symptoms of covid.
  • Natalia Rekeda - exacerbation of gastric disease.
  • Nadia (Nina's mother, suspected cancer and many other diseases).
  • Kolya (Vova's Lozinsky friend) - temperature.
  1. Territory defense and the Armed Forces, their security while on duty.
  • Vov, Father of Anya Maksimova, Ilya, Viktor Chayukov, Alexander (from Irpin), Dima.
  • Sasha - a soldier from Goncharovsk, Yura Chugai, Sasha , Oleg’s brother in law, Van
  • the Armed Forces.
  • Alexey Vitaliy Rekeda brother in law - medical battalion.
  1. Safety of those who stayed in their homes:
  • Sasha Petrenko and all 38 people with him, p. Smolino.
  • Sister of Anya Maksimova, near Kyiv.
  • Masha (niece of Oksana Senko, not a believer), Kyiv.
  • Vladimirov Alexander, Kyiv.
  • Vasya Andreev, Kyiv.
  • Valentina Yakovlevna (blind), Kyiv.
  • Mazurenko family, Kyiv.
  • Katya, David, Lydia and her family, Sasha Shapovalova (Katya Khmelevskaya's friend), Kyiv.
  • Mother and sister of Lyudya Ugrymova.
  • Lucy Ustinova's mother and family.
  1. Protection of our cities / villages:
  • Baryshivka, Pasichna, Irpin, Bucha, Gostomel, Rozhivka, Brovary, Smolino, Goncharivske (there Sasha Petrenko).
  • Safety of the station and people - Energodar, Yuzhnoukrainsk, Varash, Chernobyl.
  • Kyiv, Kharkiv, Sumy, Okhtyrka, Chernihiv, Kherson, Mykolaiv, Melitopol, Volnovakha, Mariupol, Borodyanka....
  • The village of Larisa Chaplaeva's mother.
  1. Settlement and registration of official status.
  • Denis Shamrov.
  • Svintsitsky family, housing and school for Elijah and Oleg.
  • Max Zabara - housing.
  • Olya (Nina's friend) with her family - housing, children to school.
  • Tanya Reizvih, Vova Lozinsky sister in law.
  • Ustinov, Sonia, Seraphim - school (Czech Republic).
  • Anya Maksimova and her mother - housing, documents (Frankfurt).
  1. About our service to believers / non-believers in those places, where we are
  • Grinyuki, Horodyshche -construction
  • Luda Ugrimova, Larisa, Lviv.
  • Nina, Krakow.
  • Katya, Nadvirna.
  • Oksana Senko and the Church in Chornobay.
  • Gleb who is a pianist, for the salvation of his soul.
  1. Delivery of humanitarian aid (to be able to deliver to the place to those who need it).
  2. Internal political order.

Where we are?

Download these requests in a PDF document:

Lozinsky Oleg and Natasha


Lozinsky Vova and Natasha v. Rozhevka

near Kyiv

Khizhnyak Sergey, Oksana, Vlad, Sveta


Pinkovskaya Natasha + Dasha


Shahrayuk Olesya, Katya, Roma, Vicktor

in the Volyn region (Western Ukraine)

Ugrimova Lyuda

a suburb of Lviv

Grinyuks Kostya and Katya

Gorodyshche (Central Ukraine)

Kudlayev Sasha, Ira Gorodyshche

(Central Ukraine)

Zabara Maxim Khmelnitsky

(Western Ukraine)

Bosenko Olya + Ulyana Prague

(Czech Republic)

Ustinova Lusia + Sonya + Sima

Brno (Czech Republic)

Ustinov Edik

is a village in Cherkasy Oblast. (Central Ukraine)

Tregubenko Sergey Fastov

(near Kyiv)

Senko Oksana

in a village in Cherkasy Oblast

Rekeda Vitalik and Natasha


Stetsenko Sasha and Irina with Katya and Cedric

in France.

Ezhova Kristina and Van

Stryi (70 km from Lviv)

Maksimova Anya with her mother

Warsaw (Poland)


Krakow (Poland).

Lida with the Chaplaevs


Olesya Turok

London (England)

Katya Dmitryshyn

near Ternopil (western Ukraine)

Svincicki Sasha, Sveta, Ilya, Oleg

Gdynia (Poland)

Vladimirov Alexander,


Andreev Vasya Kyiv.


Shtanko Anya

near Kyiv with her family

Lozenko Marina

in Italy with her daughter


in Germany with her granddaughter.

Kravchenko Volodya and Masha


Artak with his family

in Germany

Shamrovy Denis, Albina, Luka

near Krakow (Poland).

Tuesday, 15 March 2022 23:34

March 15, 2022 News Update

15 March 2022

Dear Prayer Warriors,

Thank you for praying for our loved ones in Ukraine. Please continue earnestly, pray without ceasing as things are getting ever more intense.

The report is that there will be a major attack on Kyiv tonight or tomorrow. I just received this note from Natalia, the administrator of our Bible college.

Please pray for us Tonight or tomorrow morning the enemy will try to get Brovary and Kiev, our village is on their way. And Yulia (translator for the college) is in Brovary now.

Natalia’s husband is with the territorial security force for our village. Intel reports are that the Russians may invade the village because it sits on a bluff, below which is an empty plain which extends for miles. In fact, from this bluff you can see all the way to Kyiv, 20 miles away. We were told that the Ukrainians are prepared to level this village in the event the Russians invade, so as to prevent them from gaining any advantage from what might be there.

I also heard that a group of 400 Russian special forces have donned civilian clothing and are trying to avoid the check points and infiltrate the city to plant explosives and take out defense positions in advance of the big attack.

One piece of very good news is that Ukraine did receive a shipment of Javelin anti-tank missiles which were used to destroy a convoy of more than 90 tanks just north of Kyiv.

Our people continue to minister where they are. Here is a short note from Pastor Zhenya who evacuated from his home in Baryshivka, about 30 miles east of Kyiv and is now in western Ukraine:

Hello Mark, we are working here to help refugees with Gena Zinchenko (pastor of a church near Baryshivka). Every morning I go to teach the Word. I was also invited to the central church to teach on Sunday. As I see and understand it, God is giving us lots of work right now. Baryshivka is still calm around it, but there are constant shootings, explosions.... I am trying to do online services for them in Baryshvika from here for those who remained, but the problem is that most old people find it difficult for them to use the Internet.

This war is devastating, the destruction extensive. I ask you to pray for an end to this onslaught. May God grant victory to Ukraine, that she might have freedom and peace.

By grace alone,


Monday, 14 March 2022 23:14

March 14, 2022 News Update

14 March 2022

Dear Friends,

Thank you so much for standing with us in prayer for our loved ones in Ukraine. The situation is catastrophic to be sure. You turn on the news and see the destruction. There are no places that are safe for even hospitals, churches, and apartment buildings are being hit with missiles and artillery. Cities in western Ukraine that were considered safe a few days ago are now the targets for the Russians.

Families are being split apart as women and children flee to safety in other cities and countries while the men must remain in Ukraine. Those who have managed to get out of the country must now find refuge in centers being set up in Poland, Romania, Moldova and Slovakia, or try to find people who are willing to house refugees.

Oleg and his family were warned to leave the village and to go into Kiev. They were able to do this yesterday. It was a 20 mile trip and, to say the least, dangerous. It is of the Lord’s mercy that they made it safely. His family is living at the college and the professor’s apartment for now. With the indiscriminate shelling by the Russians, no place is safe from attack. The eternal God is our refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.

Oleg’s brother, Vova (nickname for Vladimir) is with the territorial security force in our village. This is not the army, but more like a local militia to guard the area. His wife, Natalie, decided to stay with him rather than going into the city. She is a beautiful young woman, and I fear that she would be much abused if the Russians were to attack the village.

The report that I heard earlier is that there are many Russian tanks very close by, probably waiting for the command to advance on Kiev. Natalie reported that things were relatively quiet during the night, but that at 6:00 in the morning she began hearing loud explosions that shook the house. She said that they continued all morning and all afternoon until about 4:00 o’clock.

We hear reports that a big offensive against Kiev is imminent. We still have some of our church members in the city. Please pray for their safety.

  • Two aged widows, both named Valentina, are unable to leave because of their physical condition.
  • Eugene is a young man who is working at a Christian radio station named Emmanuel.
  • Sasha is an older man who has no family or friends inside or outside of Kiev, so decided to stay put.
  • Oleg’s sister, Natasha, is also in the city with her daughter, Dasha. Dasha is autistic and in need of medication which is not available at this time.
  • Oleg’s other sister, Oksana, with her husband Sergei and their two children, Sveta and Vladic also remain in Kiev.
  • Pray for Anatoly, Ivan and Vova who are bearing arms in defense of their nation and loved ones.
  • The rest that we know have gone to the west, some to Ukrainian towns and villages, and some to Poland, Romania, Moldova, and Slovakia.
  • Pray for the wives and children who are now separated from their husbands and fathers.
  • Oleg reports that at this time they still have electricity, water and internet. There is still food at the grocery stores. All of this could be gone very quickly, as has happened in Mauriupol, Irpin, and Kharkiv and other cities.

Word of God Church met online yesterday with Oleg leading the service from the Bible college. How wonderful that they can stilljoin in a concert of praise to God for His grace, His mercy, His faithfulness. They also meet twice a day for prayer online. And I continue to teach our regular Bible studies online. These wonderful Ukrainian Christians are focused on the Lord and are relying on His Word for their sustenance. It is such a testimony of faith in this time of tribulation.

We are sending support to our staff, students, and others who have needs. Pray that the lines will remain open for us to do this.

Continue earnestly in prayer.

By grace alone,


Sunday, 13 March 2022 03:53

March 12, 2022 News Update

12 March 2022

Dear Friends,

The war is escalating and we are helpless to have any effect on that. But we can pray, we can encourage our people there and we can try to support them.

I received a letter from Vasya Munko, pastor of Grace Bible Church in Lviv. He is housing refugees from Kiev and other places, providing a somewhat permanent dwelling for some and for many others he is providing a hot shower, meals, a place to sleep overnight, and transportation to the border. In some cases he has bought them tickets to get into Poland. He is using this as an opportunity to evangelize the lost and to teach the Word of God to those who are saved.

He also has contact with Luda, one of our dear sisters in Christ from our church in Kiev. He wrote:

On Thursday, Luda Ugrimova called me. She is now not far from Lviv, in a village. I brought her some food and things that she asked to buy. I am very happy for her. Ten other women and children live with her. Luda is doing a good job. She has organized a Bible study for them, tells them the gospel, and prays with them.... Thank God for her.

I just received a telephone call from Oleg, pastor of Word of God Church in Kiev. He has been living in our house in a village outside of Kiev, where it has been relatively safe. There are about a dozen people with him in the house. He just got word from Ukrainian security forces that the village must be evacuated because they expect Russian tanks and troops in the next day or two. This is very close to the city of Brovary which has been much in the news the past few days. Brovary is about 15 miles to the east of Kiev.

It is midnight there now and they cannot go out at night. So at first light they will pack everyone up and go into the city of Kiev. This will be a dangerous trip. They will take shelter in the Bible college and a nearby apartment. As you know, Kiev has been the target of many missiles and bombs and is being encircled by the Russians. The bombing is indiscriminate, falling on civilian structures, including apartment buildings, hospitals and churches. So, in reality there are no safe places. Imagine if you had to evacuate your home with the possibility of never returning. You can take with you only basic necessities. What will you take? Everything else may be gone forever.

But the eternal God is our refuge, our fortress, our pavilion, our hiding place. We take shelter under His wings. Please be in much prayer for our loved ones in Kiev and the other places in Ukraine that are in grave danger.

Many have asked about making donations to help the people there. At this time we are able to wire funds to a few trusted Christians there who will distribute it to those in need or use the funds to buy food, medicine and other necessities. If you choose to help in this way, attach a note to your check stating that it is for Ukraine relief. Or go to our website and use the PayPal option.

In the everlasting arms of our eternal God,


Friday, 11 March 2022 22:42

March 11, 2022 News Update

11 March 2022

Dear Friends,

The war in Ukraine continues with Russia increasing its attack against many cities, targeting them with long-range cruise and ballistic missile. They are targeting airports and power generating stations, but the missiles seem to lack accuracy and frequently hit civilians. Their activity around Kyiv is escalating. Now the Russians are targeting cities in western Ukraine which had been quite safe until now. Many who had fled from Kyiv and other cities in the east had taken refuge in those cities.

I just received a note from Denis Shamrov, one of our students in Word of God College. Denis is perhaps the best student I have ever had. He is smart and he is diligent. He has an intense desire to learn the Word of God, and he is also a very effective communicator. He and his wife, Alvina, and their son Luka have fled to Poland. They are Belarussian citizens. He does not want to return to Belarus because it is likely that he would be drafted into the army and then required to fight against Ukraine. Here is the note he sent this morning:

Mr Myers. We are grateful for the help you have given us. May God richly bless you for this. Thank you for giving us so much in these two years. For teaching us how to trust God and rely on Him in everything. It helps us a lot at this time. Thank you for giving me assignments to memorize Bible verses. These verses give us strength in difficult times because we remember them. Please pray that the Lord will help us to legally obtain documents here, since we do not want to return to Belarus. Military mobilization is possible there. And there, many justify Russia, and we are against it. so if you refuse, you may face a prison. Therefore, it is dangerous for us to return to Belarus now. And we want to formalize our citizenship where possible. Pray that we will have the opportunity to serve God where we are. We love you, we pray for you. We are very happy that you are safe. Greetings from Alvina and Luka.

Denis Family Photo 3 22

Pray for Denis and his family now without a home, living in a foreign country. He needs to get legal status in that country (or some other country) so that he can find work and settle into a normal lifestyle. We have been able to establish contact with him and send him financial aid. He is a fine young man and I am confident that he will be a great servant of the Lord. I am eager to see how the Lord will use him.

By grace alone,


Friday, 11 March 2022 01:01

March 10, 2022 News Update

10 March 2022

Dear Friends,

Phyllis and I are now in Houston, Texas, where we attended the annual pastors conference hosted by Chafer Theological Seminary. Pastor Robby Dean and I spoke about the Lord’s provision for our extraction from Ukraine just after the beginning of the war there. If you are interested in watching it, you can find it here:

I just spoke with Oleg, Pastor of Word of God Church in Kiev. He and his siblings and their children (12 people) are hunkered down in our house in a village about 20 miles from the city center. Russian troops passed through the village a couple of nights ago, but there was no shooting and no destruction. Our house has concrete walls and the safest place is in the hallway where there are no windows. So, in spite of having sufficient beds for everyone, they are sleeping on the floor in the hallway.

Right now they have water and electricity and Internet connections and sufficient food supplies. We are so thankful that the Lord has spared them and that they still have the utilities. Oleg reports that there is no activity in the village right now, but they hear artillery fire around the clock. There may be lulls for an hour or so, but then it begins again.

Just a few miles away on a major highway leading into Kiev Russian troops were advancing toward the city when they met Ukrainian forces who killed the commander and routed the enemy which fled in retreat. It appears that the Russians are very surprised not only at the will of the Ukrainians to resist but also of their ability to defend themselves. The Russian army far outweighs the Ukrainians, and by sheer force could crush Ukraine, but it could prove to be a very costly victory. I am proud of the bravery of the Ukrainian military and also of the political leaders who have shown great resolve in this time of crisis.

Our greatest concern is for our loved ones there, believers in Jesus, Bible college students and staff, church members, and friends. To this point the Lord has protected them all, and none has suffered loss of property that we know of. This, too, is the Lord’s mercy.

But of greater importance is the spiritual aspect. Word of God Church meets twice daily, online, for prayer. This is a wonderful time when each can share news of their current situations and their needs. Uniting in prayer is such an encouragement, knowing that others are standing with you and praying for you and urging each other to be strong in faith. We also continue to have online worship services and Bible studies three times a week. The Word of God is powerful, and it is doing its work in the lives of those who know it, believe it, and do it.

Pray for Ukraine. Pray for the Christians there, that God might be glorified in a mighty way through His children as they tell unbelievers of salvation through Jesus Christ and encourage other believers with the exceedingly great and precious promises from God.


Friday, 11 March 2022 00:52

March 9, 2022 News Update

Several of you have asked Jim about the promises that He has his students memorize.

Many of them are included in this Catena of Promises.

You, too, should memorize them and hide His Word in your heart.

Tuesday, 08 March 2022 06:44

March 8, 2022 News Update

8 March 2022

The war in Ukraine continues. It is more horrible than you can imagine. Cities that have no military value are being bombed for no discernible reason. Civilians are being offered safe passage by the Russians along certain corridors. When people have tried to flee along those routes they are met with gunfire or they discover that land mines have been planted along the road. But the Ukrainian people have great resolve and are bravely standing their ground and fighting back.

I have a few more names that I would ask you to pray for – people in danger zones:

  • Roman Ovcharenko, pastor in Kiev, who continues to minister to those of his congregation who have not been able to flee.
  • Sasha and Ira Kudlaev. Both are Bible college graduates, who have ministry to youth.
  • Kostya and Katya Grinuk. Bible college graduates, Bible teachers. They live just a few doors away from Sasha and Ira.
  • Oksana Senko – staff member with CRU – great evangelist.
  • Oleg Lozinski and his extended family living in our house reports hearing frequent blasts from tanks and artillery and occasional small arms fire.
  • Jim Dumas – American who works with children has now entered Poland and is safe.

The following is a short note from one of our pastors. He is the father of four children.

Sometimes it is very difficult to pray in the evenings with my daughter, Sasha. She is only five years old and it is difficult to answer her questions - why were we attacked? how long will the war last? You see, at her age, she (and many other children) should not know what war is. But she knows .... and every evening she reminds me that we should not forget to pray for our soldiers, so that God protects them, gives them courage in the fight against our enemies. And she also prays for the enemies, so that God would give fear to their hearts so that they would not have the strength to fight with us and that they would surrender themselves into captivity .... As I see, God answers her prayers ...

Thanks to all of you who are warriors in the spiritual conflict, who enter into this warfare with the secret weapons of intercessory prayer. Do not cease in your efforts. Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we will remember the name of the LORD our God. Save, LORD! May the King answer us when we call.

All by grace,


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