Monday, 20 June 2016 16:07

June 19th

Today we were at Bible Church of the Lakes at Horseshoe Bay, Texas. Fred Bates is pastor there—he's 86 years old and still cranking it out. I hope I can still do it when I am so old.  Maybe the moustache will do it.


Tuesday, 14 June 2016 16:52

June 2016


PilgrimChurch smallWhat an amazing year this has been. In addition to our work in Kiev, I also taught seminary courses in six other cities throughout Ukraine. Phyllis and I were able to return to Brazil and Zambia to teach conferences. The response to the Bible teaching is always gratifying. What was really exciting was to hear about the new president of Zambia, Edgar Lungu, who has taken a strong stand for Christianity. He has weekly worship services at the Statehouse and daily prayer meetings. In a day when Christians are under attack all over the world, it is a blessing to see someone in high office not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Please add him to your prayer list.

Iguazu smallIn Brazil we taught in four different cities to enthusiastic audiences over a three-week period. We keep getting more invitations to bring our Bible conferences to more churches. The country of Brazil is in political and financial turmoil and so many people are looking for answers. The only answer, as we know, is Jesus Christ and sound Bible doctrine. One of the cities we went to is home of one of the most beautiful sights we have ever seen, the Iguazu Falls.

On June 1 we were delighted to have two ladies from Brazil visit us for a few days. One of them is an artist, Angela Gomez, who is famous for her paintings done in the Naif style. She thoroughly enjoyed seeing the arts of Ukraine, both on the streets and in the museums. She hopes to be able to do an exhibition of her work in Kiev next year. Angela is a wonderful Christian woman with a strong testimony of faith in Christ.

We finished our school term at Word of God Bible College in Kiev and launched four new graduates into the world of ministry. The graduates are overjoyed to be finished after two grueling years of study, but are looking forward to a new life. Two of them already have ministries to work in and the others are looking for opportunities for service. Please pray for them to have impact in Ukraine as they proclaim the glories of the One who called them out of darkness into His marvelous light.

We are now back in the USA until the end of August. Phyllis and I both had our annual medical checkups and, praise the Lord, had good reports. We have already begun speaking in churches to tell them of the many ministry opportunities the Lord has afforded us. We will be traveling around Texas in June, and then in July we will go to the west coast for a week, and then we will be going to Florida, Georgia, Alabama, and Tennessee before returning to Houston in August.

This is an incredible time to be alive with all of the turmoil in the world. Yet we can can have peace, joy, and stability in the midst of it all because we know that our sovereign Lord is in control of human history. We can't solve the world's problems, but we can be faithful stewards, and that's what we are called to.

Always and only by grace ...

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