Friday, 04 October 2024 02:28

FYI - September and October 2024

Dear Friends,

In case you're wondering what Jim has been up to as of late, he's has been providing pulpit supply for Dr. Dean at West Houston Bible Church since September 19.

Jim's been teaching through Psalm 119. You can view these wonderful lessons here. And, don't forget to do your homework!

Sunday, 11 August 2024 04:42

August 10, 2024 News Update

Dear Friends,

“Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.”

We can’t change the world; we can’t change the political climate; we can’t control circumstances. We are not responsible to do so, but we are called to be faithful. It is so easy to be distracted by all of the chaos in the world and to forget why we are here in the world. It is not to be comfortable or successful, but to glorify the Lord in all circumstances. The question to be answered is not how can I change the world, but how can I glorify the Lord in my circumstances right now. As the apostle Paul said in 2 Corinthians 5:9, “We make it our aim … to be well pleasing to Him.”

In the spring we spent several weeks in Europe. Along with Dr. Robby Dean we taught conferences in a variety of churches in Poland and Romania. Some of these churches have not been exposed to the categorical and exegetical type of teaching from Scripture such as we do. The response was amazingly enthusiastic. Even before we finished they were already asking us to come back. In fact, they asked if we could come back in the next month. We plan to go back, but it will have to wait until after the first of the year.

After the conferences in Romania, Phyllis and I went back to Ukraine. We faced no imminent danger in the places where we visited, but we did hear warning sirens almost every night. In many places we saw devastation as a result of the drone and missile attacks. Three-fourths of the power-generating stations in Ukraine have been destroyed by the Russians. The result is black-outs for hours every day. Walking down the street in Kyiv almost requires ear plugs because almost every business has a gasoline generator roaring in front of their building to provide lights inside.

Next week we will go all the way to French Polynesia in the South Pacific to work with missionary Mark Perkins and his wife Rene. In October we will go to the Philippines for several weeks of teaching in different places. And we already have conferences planned for four different countries in 2025. Please remember to pray for us as we travel and take the Word of God to these far-flung places.

I know this sounds like a vigorous schedule—and it is—but it is what the Lord has given us to do, so we just get up in the morning and go to work. We praise the Lord for His abundant provision that enables us. And we thank you for the huge role you play in making it possible for us to carry on. We are grateful for your prayers. We do not take that lightly, but recognize that the Lord hears and answers prayers. We also give thanks for all you who have supported us through giving. We give thanks to the Father who has so abundantly supplied our needs through you.

Please remember also to pray for Ukraine. The war is still raging there, even though it doesn’t get much coverage in our American media. Below is a list of names of men from our church and our Bible college who are serving in the military. They are fighting for their families, their homeland, their freedom.

  • Maxim Goryachkin
  • Yura Chugai
  • Sergei Chepara
  • Oleg Gatsenko
  • Sasha Tymoshenko
  • Ivan
  • Vova Lozinski
  • Vasya Andreev
  • Vlad Khyzhnyak
  • Sasha Kudlaev

Also, there are some stalwart pastors who are faithfully ministering under difficult circumstances. Some of them are also taking opportunities to minister to soldiers on the front lines. The chaplain corps in the Ukrainian military is almost non-existent, and there is opposition to evangelical chaplains coming from the Orthodox Church. These pastors keep on in spite of the difficulties. They are heroes in my estimation. Please keep them on your prayer list.

  • • Oleg Lozinski
  • Sasha Petrenko
  • Vasily Munko
  • Viktor Munko
  • Genady Sinkovka
  • Andrei Chikilov
  • Roman Ovcherenko

By grace alone,


Saturday, 04 May 2024 07:05

May 2, 2024 News Update

Dear Friends,

It is so good to be back, even if it is just for a few days. I have been in Africa for the past two weeks, and such a rewarding and exciting trip. We taught in four different venues in Zambia, teaching six hours per day, starting at 9:00 in the morning and going until 4:00 in the afternoon. So we were able to log about 60 hours of teaching in 11 days. The topic was “Aspects of Christology: The death of Christ, His Resurrection, Ascension, and Session.” For many it was the first time for them to hear biblical teaching about these doctrines. The response was enthusiastic, to say the least. They begged us to come back as soon as possible so we could teach them more.

In each of the first three cities we averaged well over 100 pastors and church leaders every day. They came from various denominations and backgrounds, but we had no opposition to what we were teaching. One man said that you couldn’t argue with what was being taught, for then you would be arguing with the Word of God.

Traveling and teaching with me was Pastor Mark Kvam from Minnesota. I didn’t know him before this trip. A friend of his heard me speak at Austin Bible Church several months ago, and called him to tell him that he might enjoy going on a mission trip with me. So we corresponded a bit and talked on the telephone, and we decided that we could work together. Really, though, we didn’t meet until we joined up at the airport in Atlanta. This was a life-changing experience for him. He had never been to Africa nor had he taught in a foreign culture. Fearful at first, he quickly adapted and just fell in love with the people and the work. He thinks that he would like to continue going on such journeys in the future to take the Gospel to other parts of the world.

Musada Myers Men

Also teaching with us were two Zambia pastors that I have had the joy of teaching and training over the more than 20 years of going there. Charles Musonda is a pastor in Livingstone. He is a truly gifted communicator with a free-grace gospel and a solid theology. He is also a capable administrator who takes care of all the arrangement for our travel, accommodations and teaching. The other man is Benjamin Sakala, pastor in a small village. I met Benjamin in 2001, and he has been a faithful student ever since. Even though he is in a somewhat remote area (no electricity or running water), he has a well-taught congregation. It is truly exciting for me to go there and find people who know the Word of God and who can quote Scripture. It ought to be that way in every church. Both of these men have gained reputations as Bible teachers and are being called upon to go to other places to teach.

On Sunday last I went to Lusaka Bible Church. This is a young church and quite small. It was planted by two men who became oriented to verse-by-verse, exegetical teaching. This approach is almost unknown in that part of the world. When I walked in the pastor was teaching verse-by-verse through the book of Galatians. You can’t imagine how thrilling that was for me.

The Lord has been so gracious and merciful to give me the strength and the means to carry on this work. I am convinced that this is in large part due to your participation through prayer and support. Thank you so much. The Father has been pleased to answer your prayers.

Myers Zambia GPP Distribution ed

Next week Phyllis and I will be traveling again, this time for about six weeks, going to several countries in Europe. Conferences are planned for Poland, Romania, and Ukraine. Later in the year we have plans to teach in French Polynesia and in the Philippines. Please remember us before the throne of grace that we might obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

All of grace,


Saturday, 06 April 2024 22:31

April 6, 2024 News Update

Dear Friends,

What a great time to be alive. God has put us in this position in world history for His own purposes. In a time of uncertainty, chaos, immorality, the Lord has entrusted to us the tremendous privilege of representing Him in the devil’s world. While this may be very difficult, it is not impossible for He has provided all things necessary for life and godliness. Don’t give up. Keep on keeping on! And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.(Galatians 6:9).

Phyllis and I have been so blessed to have continuing opportunities to serve the Lord, even though we are in our 80s. People often comment, “We don’t know how you do it.” Or “Where do you get the energy to keep doing so much?” It is all of grace. The Lord has been merciful and has given us the health and the strength to carry out His work. We have heard people say, “I couldn’t do what you do.” My reply is that God didn’t ask you to do what I do. He gives us a task, He gives you a task. He gives grace to both. What is required of stewards is that we be found faithful.

In March we were in Brazil for three weeks, teaching in three different cities, sometimes as much as five hours per day. The response to the Word was enthusiastic and we had a wonderful time, greeting new people and meeting with long-time friends. We already have several invitations to return.

This weekend we will have the joy of watching our granddaughter be baptized as a public profession of her faith in Jesus Christ for salvation. The next day we will watch the total solar eclipse with our whole family – the first time since Covid-19 that we are able to all be together.

The on Wednesday I will leave for Africa on a three-week journey of Bible teaching in Zambia. I love going to Zambia – I have been there more than two dozen times – because the desire for Bible teaching is so great. We often teach 5-6 hours per day and the people are focused on learning. Please pray for protection, health and strength for us as Mark Kvam and I will be traveling and teaching aspects of Christology: crucifixion, death, burial, ascension and session of Christ.

When I return to the US I will have about a week to get ready for the next course. We will be going to Poland and Romania with Dr. Robby Dean and his wife, Pam. Robby and I will be team teaching conferences in those two countries. After that Phyllis and I will be going into Ukraine for a couple of weeks (assuming that the war does not preclude us from doing so). We have plans to be teaching in different places, and it is our hope that we will be able to gather many of our loved ones together for a grand reunion. Many have been scattered because of the war, but it may be possible to bring them together for a few days.

We don’t have anything on the calendar for July, so perhaps we can visit some of our supporting churches in the US at that time. In August we will go all the way to French Polynesia in the South Pacific to work with missionary Mark Perkins and his wife Rene. We had been asked to go to the Philippines after that but we just couldn’t make our schedule fit theirs, so that trip is on hold until later in the year.

I know this sounds like a vigorous schedule, and it is, but it is what the Lord has given us to do, so we just get up in the morning and go to work. We praise the Lord for His abundant provision that enables us. And we thank you for the huge role you play in making it possible for us to carry on, We are grateful for your prayers. We do not take that lightly, but recognize that the Lord hears and answers prayers. We also give thanks for all you who have supported us through giving. We give thanks to the Father who has so abundantly supplied our needs through you.

By grace alone,



Thursday, 29 February 2024 23:24

February 29, 2024 News Update

Dear Friends,
The Lord is faithful in providing for us to accomplish all that He has planned for us. We have been fully engaged in ministry, teaching at every opportunity. Today we leave for Brazil where I will be teaching for three weeks in three different places, as much as four hours per day. When we return I must prepare for three weeks in Zambia. In May and June we will go to three countries in eastern Europe – Poland, Romania, and Ukraine. In August we go in the other direction, to the South Pacific, for a couple weeks of teaching in French Polynesia.
Having completed the eighth decade of life, I praise the Lord for His abundant mercies which are new every morning, for giving us life, health, and the privilege of serving our Lord Jesus Christ. We also praise Him that we are seeing fruit from the past labors as well. Men we have trained in Ukraine are actively serving Him in ministries during this horrible period of their history.
I spoke today with Pastor Oleg who continues to minister, not only in Word of God Church in Kyiv, but in other churches in the area. He also has been to the front to minister to men in the military. In an area close to Avdiivka, a city that has been much in the news recently because of heavy fighting, there is a pastor who provides R&R for soldiers, giving them a place to relax for a few days when they get a break. He cooks for 25-50 men every day, and has facilities for them to get showers and a steam bath. He uses this as an opportunity to share spiritual food with them as well.
The soldiers report that they have all they need as far as food and equipment, but that they are in desperate need of weapons and ammunition. Please continue to pray for victory in Ukraine that they may enjoy peace and freedom once again. Ukraine is in the news a lot these days. It will not surprise you to learn that much of what you hear is propaganda – a lot of it coming from Russian sources. It is difficult for us in the West to sort it all out, to know what is real and what is not. But setting the politics aside, pray that the Lord will be glorified through His people there. Pray that the believers will be strong in their faith and use this time of suffering as an intensified opportunity to serve Him. Pray for the salvation of souls, both Ukrainian and Russian, as they face the possibility of imminent death.
We are so grateful for all of you who pray for us, who support us and encourage us.
By grace alone,

Monday, 01 January 2024 02:43

December 31, 2023 News Update

Dear Friends,

In our human reckoning another year has come to a close. A year of tumult. War in every camp; death on every doorstep, sick institutions coughing up their tainted spittle. Not a pretty picture, but a realistic portrayal of evil, cosmic evil, the certain outcome of human viewpoint rejecting the only truth that can solve man’s problems.

Ah! Do not despair. The Sovereign Lord has a plan that is relentlessly moving to His ultimate conclusion. What a marvelous time to be alive. To think that God has put us where we are, at this very time, to accomplish His purposes through us. We have the privilege of representing the Lord Jesus Christ in the midst of Satan-inspired chaos. Our God has entrusted us with the high honor of being ambassadors for Christ. My God shall supply all your needs through His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. What have I to fear, what have I to dread, leaning on the everlasting arms.

Deuteronomy 33:27 The eternal God is your refuge, And underneath are the everlasting arms; He will thrust out the enemy from before you, And will say, `Destroy!'

The coming year may well prove to be one of sorrow, horrors, and suffering. We can’t change the world, we can’t control circumstances, but we can, through reliance on God and His Word, through the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit, bring glory to the One who loved us and gave Himself for us. May we remember why we are here.

God has not called us to comfort and ease. He has not called us to success and prosperity. He has called us to faithfulness. So as the apostle Paul wrote to the Philippians:

Do all things without complaining and disputing, that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, holding fast the word of life, so that I may rejoice in the day of Christ that I have not run in vain or labored in vain.

Shine as lights in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation.

I give thanks to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has called us into ministry. We give thanks to the Father for His mercies which are new every morning. We give thanks to the Father for each of you for standing with us so generously and faithfully this past year.

Ukraine is not much in the news of late, and yet, hundreds are dying every day. The death toll is staggering, the suffering of millions is immeasurable. Please do not stop praying for peace in that land. Below is a letter from a young man who was trained in our ministry. He is not Ukrainian but was living there when the war started. He has been faithfully serving the Lord with his family, ministering to refugees, launching an online ministry to give out the gospel of grace, and teaching in several churches. He has written such a poignant letter that I wanted to share it with you. I have withheld his name because authorities in his home country are looking for him to conscript him into the armed force to fight against Ukraine.


I never thought that the events described in history books would occur in my life. But this year has changed everything. A bloody, cruel, ruthless year revealing the whole essence of human cruelty and sin. Russia has become a clear demonstration of what is happening to humanity when it rejects God's rules of morality and humanity. Killings, robbery, violence and other horrible acts have become common for the Russian soldier and for those Russian citizens who support the army destroying the sovereign state. The death of children, the suffering of people, the destruction of the lives of millions ceased to be considered something unusual and horrible. What is more terrifying than this is the excuse of this horror by people who, so called Christians, are supposed to condemn rather than approve of it, trying to cover it up with scripture. A bloody year saturated with suffering!

But in the midst of all this horror and suffering, there is a light that shines brightly in this world. For millions of people, it has become clear that confronting evil is real. That the evil that many people in the world can meet resistance. From the example of Ukraine, the world saw that freedom, peace, love and independence can be defended. The world is watching the Ukrainian people, who stand shoulder to shoulder in defense of their independence, in defense of their children, wives, parents. To defend one’s land. We see hundreds of thousands of people willing to sacrifice themselves for the benefit of others. And we see thousands of true Christians stating their convictions loudly and in these trying times show that the Scripture with its highest moral principles is reality to them and not an empty tradition.

This year has shown me the faithfulness of God in whom I believe. I have seen His hand in my life under the sounds of Russian missile explosions, I squeezed my wife's hand and, hugging my son, prayed to God for protection and help. And He, my loving Father, has shown His faithfulness. We belong to Him. We live for him. And no matter where we are, we will carry His principles, His love, His compassion and grace.

Evil will be defeated, truth will prevail. Sooner or later, everyone who sows destruction, violence and pain will be held responsible for their every action, for He is just and faithful.

We want the coming year to be a year of freedom for the Ukrainian people, so that they get what they are fighting so bravely for.

We pray and believe for Ukraine. Our heart stayed there!


Do not fear any of those things which you are about to suffer. Indeed, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and you will have tribulation ten days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life. (Rev 2:10).

All by grace,


Saturday, 23 December 2023 06:31

December 23, 2023 News Update

God rest you merry, gentlemen,
Let nothing you dismay.
Remember Christ our Savior
Was born on Christmas Day
To save us all from Satan’s power
When we were gone astray.
O tidings of comfort and joy,
Comfort and joy,
O tidings of comfort and joy.

Dear Friends,

The world has rejected the good news that God has done something about our sins. This is the essence of the gospel, the greatest good news of all human history. More than 40 times in the Gospel of John the fact is emphasized that God sent His Son. What an astounding thought! The God of the universe, the creator of all, sent His Son as a sacrifice for our sins. Thanks be to God for His ineffable gift!

Another astounding fact is that Jesus deigned to become a man, humbling Himself by taking on true humanity, becoming obedient to the Father’s plan to provide salvation for the entire human race. For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all men (Titus 3:5). How can anyone not be overwhelmed by these facts?

It has been our passion to take this good news to a lost and dying world. During this past year we have had the privilege of teaching the grace of God in seven different countries. We have had the joy of seeing people come to faith in Christ and the joy of seeing people growing in their spiritual lives. As our friend, Ron Minton, says: “Why do we do what we do? Because we have nothing better to do! Why don’t we have anything better to do? Because there is nothing better to do!”

We have been blessed by God to be able to carry on our work. We have enjoyed good health and praise Him for His grace and mercy and abundant provision. We look forward to another year of labor in the Lord’s field. Already our calendar is filling up with teaching opportunities in many places with conferences scheduled in Europe, Africa, South America, and the South Pacific, plus numerous speaking engagements in the USA as well. Our greatest desire is that the Most High God will be magnified and glorified through this.

We thank you for your prayers, your encouragement, your faithful support. You have been used of God to supply our needs so that we are able to do what we do. May this coming year be one in which you shine as lights in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation. That is why we are here.

All by grace,

Jim and Phyllis

Saturday, 18 November 2023 19:15

November 18, 2023 News Update

Dear Friends,

We continue to rejoice in the blessings of serving the Lord. It is a joy to meet other believers in Jesus who love Him and want to please Him with their lives. We are in Kenya right now teaching at Crossroads Bible College in Vipingo, which is about an hour north of Mombasa in eastern Africa. On this trip we have enjoyed meeting the Windells, Greg and Michelle, who have worked here for more than 20 years. They have endured many hardships in their ministry, but they just accept them willingly as part of the job. I salute them for their tenacious attitude and their ministry, but especially for their orientation to the grace of God and desire to communicate sound doctrine to the people here.

We have had our own adventures on this trip. First of all, when we went to the airport in Houston to fly to Kenya, they didn’t allow us to board the plane because of problems with our visas. So we had to go back home, contact the embassy, and jump through a number of bureaucratic hoops. The Lord answered our prayers and eventually we got everything straightened out. We got a flight out and after more than 24 hours of travel, including layovers, we landed in Mombasa at 1:00 in the morning. By the time we got to our lodging it was after 2:00. We fell into bed exhausted, but we had to get up at 6:00 a.m. for it would take an hour to drive to the Bible institute where I would be teaching. Then I taught 8 hours. An hour drive back, supper, sleep, jet lag with a nine-hour diferential.

Since I had missed a week of teaching because of the visa snafu, they wanted me to double up on the classes and try to do everything in one week instead of two. This meant for long days in the classroom. The classroom was not air-conditioned, and Kenya is right on the equator – so it was hot and humid. The heat seemed to suck the strength out of the body while the humidity took the starch out so that I felt limp like spaghetti in a boiling pot. After three days of this the rains began. Hard rains. They weren’t of biblical proportions, but they were torrential. The road to the school was difficult, full of pot holes and detours to begin with, not to mention being extremely crowded with cars, trucks, three-wheeled jitneys and motorcycles. But with the rains flooding the roads we wondered if we would make it or get stranded along the way. Friday was the last day of their school year. I had planned to teach all day and give the final exam; however, we never made it to the school. We tried valiantly for three hours, sometimes with water over the bumper. The exhaust from the tailpipes in the cars ahead of us were under water and produced bubbles and gas that looked strange. People walking along the road in the downpour were in water up to their knees. We reached a point at which we could progress no further. Three men on a motorcycle offered to tie a plastic bag over our exhaust pipe and push us through the water. But it was at least a quarter mile across that stretch of flooded road and we did not deem it prudent to try that. So we turned around and headed back to where we were staying. I am sure the students were thanking God for the providence that caused their final exam to be canceled. When we got back the electricity went out, but after a short while the generator kicked in and we just kicked back and enjoyed a down day.

We thank God for the opportunity to teach here. The account above is not at all a complaint, but a brief description of the experience. Perhaps it will stimulate your prayers for missionaries on the field. We are truly grateful for all of you who have held us up before the throne of grace. Know that our Father has been pleased to answer your prayers on our behalf. We are safe and sound and rejoicing in His mercy and grace to us.

Today we are scheduled to fly back to Houston. We really don’t like adventures in travel. Give me a really boring trip!

All by grace,


Saturday, 30 September 2023 01:45

September 30, 2023 News Update

Dear Friends,

We are on hiatus right now, in between teaching trips. In November we will go to the east coast of Africa to teach two courses for the International Baptist Bible College: (1) Dispensations, and (2) Man, Sin, and Salvation. In December we will make a short trip to northern Brazil for a pastors’ conference, which will entail more than 20 hours of teaching on Romans 9–16.

Phyllis and I just returned from a month-long trip to Brazil. This was our first journey there since the COVID pandemic, so it was a real joy for us to go back. Phyllis spoke at a women’s conference where she detailed our departure from Ukraine when the war broke out, and then spoke about the providence of God in times of suffering, which she deals with in her booklet titled “Why Me?” You can download this booklet from our website:

Brazil Womens Conference

Women’s Conference

During our four weeks in Brazil we ministered in nine different venues, speaking about 60 hours on such varied subjects as the Minor Prophets, the Books of Hebrews and Titus, how to know the will of God, and world missions, and evangelism. People were really excited about the teaching and have already scheduled us to return next March. When I told them that I could come for two weeks next year, the reply was, “Two weeks will not be enough to meet the demand because three new churches have put their names on the list for you to come to teach.” Also several other churches which we couldn’t fit into our itinerary this trip want us to come. There has been great interest for Bible teaching in the evangelical churches. So we will return there this December as well as next spring

Elvis Brazil 2023

Patricia Brazil 2023

Myers Iguazu Falls 2023

Along the way we had the opportunity to visit one of the most beautiful places on earth – Iguazu Falls – where three countries meet: Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay. It is the world’s largest waterfall complex with more than 300 waterfalls. Here is a link to a short YouTube video. I don’t know if there will be waterfalls in Heaven, but we certainly enjoyed this portion of God’s creation.

Looking forward to 2024 is also exciting for us as our calendar is already filling up with trips planned for Zambia, Ukraine, Poland, Romania, Brazil, and French Polynesia. A couple of other places are pending confirmation. I must admit that the travel can be exhausting, but, oh, the tremendous privilege of working in the Lord’s field.

Please continue to pray for our health, stamina, and ability to communicate clearly the Word of God.

Thank you for your prayers, your encouragement, your support.

All by grace,


Monday, 29 May 2023 20:19

May 29, 2023 News Update

Dear Friends,

We are back. This time we were in Romania and Ukraine. In the past two weeks I logged almost 40 hours of teaching in four different churches in three different cities. The bulk of our time was in a small village of about 500 people named Rikhta, not far from the town of Kamyanets Padilskiy. This was after a long weekend in Chudei. I am quite sure that you have never heard of these places, but the Lord knows them. In each place we found believers in the Lord Jesus Christ and local churches where they worship God Most High. They have not had sound Bible teaching but the people are open to the Word of God and willing to sit for hours to listen to Bible lessons.

One church was interesting because of its background. It is now in Ukraine, but it had been part of Romania before World War II. The name on the church building and the Bible verses on the walls inside are in Romanian language. Many of their songs are still sung in Ukrainian. But I taught in English and it was translated into Ukrainian. At different times in their history they have been under the domination of Germany, Russia, Poland, Lithuania and Romania.

In some of the churches they meet daily to pray about the war, praying for victory, for peace and safety, for protection for those in the military, for refugees, for families that are separated because of the war. Most everyone has an app on his phone which signals an alert any time that Russian-launched missiles are detected. It was really interesting to be in Bible class when suddenly 25 telephones all began to chirrup loudly. People immediately looked at their phones and then shut them off. The missile was headed for a different part of the country.

The wave of refugees through that part of the country has abated considerably since the beginning of the war, although one pastor reported that they had hosted 15 refugees in the past week, giving them warm showers, hot meals, a place to sleep and a place to do laundry. They stay for a day or two and then travel on to other destinations.

Our time there was rich, a gratifying and rewarding experience as we met Christians living in truly out of the way places. But we were also blessed to have several people who drove all the way from Kyiv to spend a few days with us. There were long lines of cars at the border crossings, and unbelievably long lines of 18-wheelers waiting to cross. The last time we crossed the border into Poland we had to wait about 6 hours in the car. This time, however, we had a driver who took us up to the border. We got out and walked across to meet someone else on the other side. This took us only 10 minutes to cover the 200 yards and go through the check-points of the two countries.

We will be in the U.S. until August when we will go to Brazil for a month of teaching there. In June and July I will be doing pulpit fill. When we left Ukraine 15 months ago we had no idea as to what we would be doing. We are so grateful for the wonderful opportunities the Lord has been giving us. Thank you for standing with us in prayer and support.

All by grace,


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