Thursday, 29 February 2024 23:24

February 29, 2024 News Update

Dear Friends,
The Lord is faithful in providing for us to accomplish all that He has planned for us. We have been fully engaged in ministry, teaching at every opportunity. Today we leave for Brazil where I will be teaching for three weeks in three different places, as much as four hours per day. When we return I must prepare for three weeks in Zambia. In May and June we will go to three countries in eastern Europe – Poland, Romania, and Ukraine. In August we go in the other direction, to the South Pacific, for a couple weeks of teaching in French Polynesia.
Having completed the eighth decade of life, I praise the Lord for His abundant mercies which are new every morning, for giving us life, health, and the privilege of serving our Lord Jesus Christ. We also praise Him that we are seeing fruit from the past labors as well. Men we have trained in Ukraine are actively serving Him in ministries during this horrible period of their history.
I spoke today with Pastor Oleg who continues to minister, not only in Word of God Church in Kyiv, but in other churches in the area. He also has been to the front to minister to men in the military. In an area close to Avdiivka, a city that has been much in the news recently because of heavy fighting, there is a pastor who provides R&R for soldiers, giving them a place to relax for a few days when they get a break. He cooks for 25-50 men every day, and has facilities for them to get showers and a steam bath. He uses this as an opportunity to share spiritual food with them as well.
The soldiers report that they have all they need as far as food and equipment, but that they are in desperate need of weapons and ammunition. Please continue to pray for victory in Ukraine that they may enjoy peace and freedom once again. Ukraine is in the news a lot these days. It will not surprise you to learn that much of what you hear is propaganda – a lot of it coming from Russian sources. It is difficult for us in the West to sort it all out, to know what is real and what is not. But setting the politics aside, pray that the Lord will be glorified through His people there. Pray that the believers will be strong in their faith and use this time of suffering as an intensified opportunity to serve Him. Pray for the salvation of souls, both Ukrainian and Russian, as they face the possibility of imminent death.
We are so grateful for all of you who pray for us, who support us and encourage us.
By grace alone,