Tuesday, 13 September 2022 22:04

September 13, 2022 News Update

12 September 2022

Dear Friends,

There is good news about the war in Ukraine. The Ukrainian armed forces have taken back a very large territory that had been under Russian control in eastern Ukraine. This has also resulted in thousands of Russian troops being taken prisoner – so many that the Ukrainian government has said that the number is so great that they don’t know where to put them all. In addition, it is reported that a large amount of Russian ammunition and a great number of military vehicles have been captured. The sad news is that a multitude of atrocities committed by Russian troops is also being uncovered in these liberated areas. Evidence of rape, torture and extreme brutality is undeniable.

While the victories of the past several days are significant, the fighting still continues, especially in the south. Missile and artillery barrages are constant and the senseless destruction of civilian targets continues. Many of the cities in that area are without water and power. There is much suffering. One of our soldiers reported that his unit has been able to go to a house at night to sleep. The house has no power and is very cold. He said that he awoke last night by something around his feet. When he turned on his flashlight he saw a rat nibbling on his socks. He said that with so few people in the area that the rodents are proliferating. He requested a dozen rat traps! That’s the first time I have heard of that in a soldier’s kit.

The Ukrainian soldiers that we know personally are all conducting themselves with great courage and honor. One man is piloting drones not far from the front. Another is an artillery commander. One man has been put in charge of a HIMARS unit. Their faith in God and in His plan for their lives gives them boldness and the determination to carry on in spite of extreme weariness, danger, and deprivations. They fight to protect their homeland, their wives and children. Please do not fail to pray for these brave warriors every day. There is no end in sight, but we have hope. Pray for victory in Ukraine, that peace might be found throughout that wonderful land.

In spite of the horrors of war, God’s grace is still to be seen. Believers are continuing to grow in their faith and there are many evangelistic efforts that are being launched among the soldiers and the refugees. Word of God Church continues to meet on Sundays, and this is also live-streamed to our displaced people throughout Ukraine and in several foreign countries. The church also meets online twice a day for prayer. It is wonderful that in spite of being widely dispersed we can still see one another and talk with one another, and pray together. I received a message today which said, “thank you for preparing us for this time. You didn’t know what we would face, but your Bible teaching makes it possible for us to understand what is happening and what we need to do in these circumstances.”

More good news: I am scheduled to teach a Bible conference for several churches in a small city close to Auschwitz in Poland next month. This will also be a wonderful opportunity to see some of our people who are now living in Poland. We also are planning to go into western Ukraine for a few days to encourage the church there. If it is possible, we also hope to make a trip to Zambia in November. We haven’t been able to go there for a couple of years, so we are really looking forward to returning.

We have been very busy here in the US. We have traveled to or through 20 different states, speaking in 30 different places. I also have 8 more dates on my calendar in September. We praise the Lord for His sustaining grace in giving us the health and strength to be able to do this. We know also that this is surely because you have prayed for us. Our Father has been pleased to hear and answer your prayers. Thank you for your encouragement and support. May the Lord be glorified in all of it.

By grace alone,
