Monday, 14 March 2022 23:14

March 14, 2022 News Update

14 March 2022

Dear Friends,

Thank you so much for standing with us in prayer for our loved ones in Ukraine. The situation is catastrophic to be sure. You turn on the news and see the destruction. There are no places that are safe for even hospitals, churches, and apartment buildings are being hit with missiles and artillery. Cities in western Ukraine that were considered safe a few days ago are now the targets for the Russians.

Families are being split apart as women and children flee to safety in other cities and countries while the men must remain in Ukraine. Those who have managed to get out of the country must now find refuge in centers being set up in Poland, Romania, Moldova and Slovakia, or try to find people who are willing to house refugees.

Oleg and his family were warned to leave the village and to go into Kiev. They were able to do this yesterday. It was a 20 mile trip and, to say the least, dangerous. It is of the Lord’s mercy that they made it safely. His family is living at the college and the professor’s apartment for now. With the indiscriminate shelling by the Russians, no place is safe from attack. The eternal God is our refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.

Oleg’s brother, Vova (nickname for Vladimir) is with the territorial security force in our village. This is not the army, but more like a local militia to guard the area. His wife, Natalie, decided to stay with him rather than going into the city. She is a beautiful young woman, and I fear that she would be much abused if the Russians were to attack the village.

The report that I heard earlier is that there are many Russian tanks very close by, probably waiting for the command to advance on Kiev. Natalie reported that things were relatively quiet during the night, but that at 6:00 in the morning she began hearing loud explosions that shook the house. She said that they continued all morning and all afternoon until about 4:00 o’clock.

We hear reports that a big offensive against Kiev is imminent. We still have some of our church members in the city. Please pray for their safety.

  • Two aged widows, both named Valentina, are unable to leave because of their physical condition.
  • Eugene is a young man who is working at a Christian radio station named Emmanuel.
  • Sasha is an older man who has no family or friends inside or outside of Kiev, so decided to stay put.
  • Oleg’s sister, Natasha, is also in the city with her daughter, Dasha. Dasha is autistic and in need of medication which is not available at this time.
  • Oleg’s other sister, Oksana, with her husband Sergei and their two children, Sveta and Vladic also remain in Kiev.
  • Pray for Anatoly, Ivan and Vova who are bearing arms in defense of their nation and loved ones.
  • The rest that we know have gone to the west, some to Ukrainian towns and villages, and some to Poland, Romania, Moldova, and Slovakia.
  • Pray for the wives and children who are now separated from their husbands and fathers.
  • Oleg reports that at this time they still have electricity, water and internet. There is still food at the grocery stores. All of this could be gone very quickly, as has happened in Mauriupol, Irpin, and Kharkiv and other cities.

Word of God Church met online yesterday with Oleg leading the service from the Bible college. How wonderful that they can stilljoin in a concert of praise to God for His grace, His mercy, His faithfulness. They also meet twice a day for prayer online. And I continue to teach our regular Bible studies online. These wonderful Ukrainian Christians are focused on the Lord and are relying on His Word for their sustenance. It is such a testimony of faith in this time of tribulation.

We are sending support to our staff, students, and others who have needs. Pray that the lines will remain open for us to do this.

Continue earnestly in prayer.

By grace alone,
