Tuesday, 08 March 2022 06:44

March 8, 2022 News Update

8 March 2022

The war in Ukraine continues. It is more horrible than you can imagine. Cities that have no military value are being bombed for no discernible reason. Civilians are being offered safe passage by the Russians along certain corridors. When people have tried to flee along those routes they are met with gunfire or they discover that land mines have been planted along the road. But the Ukrainian people have great resolve and are bravely standing their ground and fighting back.

I have a few more names that I would ask you to pray for – people in danger zones:

  • Roman Ovcharenko, pastor in Kiev, who continues to minister to those of his congregation who have not been able to flee.
  • Sasha and Ira Kudlaev. Both are Bible college graduates, who have ministry to youth.
  • Kostya and Katya Grinuk. Bible college graduates, Bible teachers. They live just a few doors away from Sasha and Ira.
  • Oksana Senko – staff member with CRU – great evangelist.
  • Oleg Lozinski and his extended family living in our house reports hearing frequent blasts from tanks and artillery and occasional small arms fire.
  • Jim Dumas – American who works with children has now entered Poland and is safe.

The following is a short note from one of our pastors. He is the father of four children.

Sometimes it is very difficult to pray in the evenings with my daughter, Sasha. She is only five years old and it is difficult to answer her questions - why were we attacked? how long will the war last? You see, at her age, she (and many other children) should not know what war is. But she knows .... and every evening she reminds me that we should not forget to pray for our soldiers, so that God protects them, gives them courage in the fight against our enemies. And she also prays for the enemies, so that God would give fear to their hearts so that they would not have the strength to fight with us and that they would surrender themselves into captivity .... As I see, God answers her prayers ...

Thanks to all of you who are warriors in the spiritual conflict, who enter into this warfare with the secret weapons of intercessory prayer. Do not cease in your efforts. Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we will remember the name of the LORD our God. Save, LORD! May the King answer us when we call.

All by grace,
